Jaw crusher process
Crusher divided into different specification and usage range, jaw crusher main used to rough crushing, standard cone crusher main used to second crushing, short cone crusher used to fine crushing. This article aim to clear reader to get to know the usage for EN500 application on jaw crusher.
Jaw crusher contains two working board, one is static, the other is movable by up & down repeatedly. This two boards open & close constantly, when pouring stone material into crushing chamber, rough material will fall into pieces through the crushing, bending and splitting.
The interval period of stone material delivery is 2.5-4 minutes/circle and the stone material loaded in each vehicle can be crushed within 1.5 minutes, the minimum time of operation without load for each circle is 1~2.5 minutes. The equipment has two working status for each complete circle: crushing and without load. The current under crushing is 600A~800A, 200A is under without load. When equipment operate under without load, it can lower the operate speed.
inverter power should be 1~2 grade bigger than motor.
To use EN500-4T4500G/P,operate at 50HZ when stone material crushing, operate at 30HZ without load. The engineering car unloading the stone material to where it need to install position detecting switch and output signal to inverter to make it operate at 50HZ when engineering car arrived. After engineering car leave about for 1.5 minutes later, the crushing process will finish. Then inverte will decelerate to operate at 30HZ, this overall process will be repeated constantly. Setting two steps acceleration & deceleration time: first acceleration from 0HZ to 30HZ, acceleration value setting 30S; second 30HZ to 50HZ acceleration value setting 20S, from 50HZ to 30HZ deceleration value setting 40S.
inverter control wiring diagram:
Power source inlet:connecting R,S,T;
Output to motor wiring:connecting U, V, W;
Starting VFD:K1 open, inverter accelerate from 0HZ to 30HZ;
Crushing working status:K2 open, inverter accelerate from 30HZ to 50HZ;
No load status:K2 close, inverter operate for 1 minutes, decelerate from 50HZ to 30HZ, it takes for 40S;
Room 1503,1505,University Town Pioneer Park, No. 10 Lishan Road, Pingshan Community,Taoyuan Str., Nanshan District ,Shenzhen, China